Okarche Schools to open campuses for fall semester

First day of classes Aug. 13


Okarche Schools will reopen for the fall semester with students returning to classes in buildings on all campuses, new Superintendent Josh Sumrall said Wednesday.

Sumrall said the school district will be opened “as normal” meaning just as school opened last year for fall, 2019.

Sumrall, whose first day in the district was Wednesday, July 1, previously served as superintendent of Coyle Schools.

Former Superintendent Rob Friesen resigned in January to accept the superintendent post at Thomas-Fay-Custer Schools.

In a letter emailed Wednesdsay morning to patrons, staff and the community, Sumrall wrote:

“The Okarche School Board and I have discussed our plan for the upcoming school year and we are planning to start school as scheduled on August 13th and to proceed as normal. Normal meaning just as last August. We are certainly aware of and are closely monitoring the coronavirus pandemic and the world happenings on a daily basis,” Sumrall wrote.

“The Oklahoma State Department of Education has given recommendations, which we will follow as needed. However, the OSDE has also said that each school district can adjust and apply their recommendations to fit our individual school district as we see fit.”


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