So long, Judge

Robert Davis retires after 15 years on the bench

Kingfisher County Associate District Judge Robert Davis shares some laughs with Doug and Beth Jackson during his retirement ceremony last Friday at the courthouse. (Photo by Mindy Ragan Wood)

By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

KINGFISHER – A judge who held two different judicial posts for 15 years received a room full of guests Friday during his retirement ceremony.

Judge Robert E. Davis welcomed half a dozen retired judges, attorneys, staff, family and friends who barely left a seat open as he addressed them.
His speech was continually in thanks to those who influenced him and instructed him.

“As we go through life, it’s not money, it’s not anything material, it’s the relationships,” Davis said. “I am so blessed to have here today lawyers, good lawyers who knew their job, did their job and made it interesting to go into the courtroom and learn something because anyone who thinks a judge knows it all, hasn’t been a judge. This lawyer talks and he makes sense. This other lawyer talks and he makes more sense, but when all the talking is done, then it is your turn to decide and that is the awesome responsibility of a judge.”
Retired Judge Ken Dickerson recalled some humorous moments with Davis.

“I’ll say something since he replaced me,” he said as everyone in the room laughed. “I had open heart surgery when I was 58 so when I left the bench Bob took my place and at age 58 he had open heart surgery. So, Bob blamed me for his heart problems. Of course, most of us knew Bob before he went on the bench . Bob tells me he was kind of tough on some attorneys and they said, ‘I thought Judge Dickerson left, this is the same as Dickerson!’”

Retired District Judge Edward Cunningham was among those who made a lasting impact on Davis’ career. Cunningham appointed Davis out of 64 applicants in Canadian County to serve as special judge in 2003. He retained the seat until 2010 when he won the election for Kingfisher County associate district judge.

“What I first think of when I think of Judge Davis was he and I had a divorce case in this county back in 1978,” Cunningham recalled. “It was very contested divorce, a hard fought divorce and we finished it and we shook each other’s hand and smiled. I remembered thinking at the time Bob Davis would make a good judge and it should be here in this county. Then when I was making the appointment, I thought of Judge Davis. He was a good attorney, a good adversary and always an outstanding and excellent judge. When he told me he was leaving for up here…I knew it was going to be beneficial to have his experience in Canadian County and up here that he would be the same successful judge up here. We all enjoyed working with him.”

Davis said it was the experience of working with judges in Canadian County that bolstered his insight and knowledge of the law.

“I was able to learn there I was able to do in my years in Canadian County with five judges, bouncing ideas off one another, consoling each other on different cases, learning from them,” he said. “Cunningham, if everyone knew the situation I had,  if they could have had someone like you, you appointed me, you said I’ve got your trust and respect…and the only time I’d see you was when you would ask me how you could make my job easier. He gave up his court reporter for me numerous times when I had a trial, because his goal was to make it as easy as possible for the people and the lawyers who represent them to be heard. That’s our (judges) job.”

Retired District Judge Gary E. Miller served on the Canadian County bench and said Davis was a diligent attorney and a judge who served with integrity.

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Judge Davis for the last 20 to 25 years and worked with him for eight years,” Miller said after the reception. “He was a tireless judge. He worked hard for the people because he wanted to be a good judge. In most cases, even if they didn’t win, people left his court and felt like they got a fair deal, that they were able to tell their side of the story.”

Davis began practicing law in 1978. He will be replaced by Lance Schneiter who was elected to the associate district judge position this year. Davis’ term officially expires January 13.