Candidates file for town board seats


By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

(See update below)

Three town board seats are up for election but two incumbents are running unopposed as of Wednesday at noon.

Town Clerk Dana Reese and Ward 3 town board candidate Joe Frisby had not drawn an opponent at press time. Ward 3 is currently held by Linda Miller who told the Okarche Warrior at the town board meeting that she was not sure if she would seek another term.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and wanted to wait til the time was right,” Frisby said. “All I want to do is make a difference in the town and I think it’s time for a fresh set of eyes. I have more time now and can afford to do a good job with it.”

Frisby is the Vice President of Samco Enterprises.

Mayor Mike Mendel who holds the Ward 1 seat drew an opponent, Matt Blackwood. Blackwood is a former Okarche police officer and served as the assistant chief to former Police Chief Bob Gamble.

Blackwood did not include a phone number on his candidate filing form and could not be reached for comment at press time.

Mendel did not return a call for comment at press time.

The election will be held April 2.



The final election filings for town offices shows Wards 1, 3 and the office of Town Clerk has drawn candidates for an election on April 2.

As previously reported in today’s edition of the Okarche Warrior, Ward 1 drew incumbent Mayor Mike Mendel and an opponent Matt Blackwood for the seat.

Ward 3 drew an early filing, Joe Frisby but by late Wednesday James Nance filed for the seat. Linda Miller did not seek another term.

Incumbent Dana Reese drew an opponent late Wednesday for the town clerk office, Stacy Morgan.

Morgan has not returned a call for comment.

Blackwood and Nance did not list any contact information on their candidate filing form and attempts to reach them have not been successful.

Blackwood is a former Okarche Police Officer who served as assistant police chief to the former OPD Chief Bob Gamble.

Nance ran unsuccessfully for the position of town clerk in 2017 against Reese.

Frisby told the Okarche Warrior yesterday that he is in a position in his career that affords him time to serve his community as a town board member.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and wanted to wait til the time was right,” Frisby said. “All I want to do is make a difference in the town and I think it’s time for fresh set of eyes. I have more time now and can afford to do a good job with it.”

Frisby is the Vice President of Samco Enterprises.