Stover finishes off two-sport career

Senior closes out high school career on the diamond, hardwood

Lathen Stover helped lead Okarche to the basketball state playoffs. (Photo by Hugh Scott, Jr.)

By Trey Hunter
Sports Editor

Senior Lathen Stover finished off his high school career on the Warriors baseball team in the spring and the basketball team in the winter. He helped guide the Okarche baseball team to the district tournament after helping lead the basketball team to the 2019 Class A state playoffs. He answered questions with sports editor Trey Hunter on sports and other things in life.

Q: What is your favorite hobby or thing to do outside of basketball and baseball and why?

A: Hunting and fishing. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and have never been a kid that could just hang around the house. I enjoy the quiet and I also enjoy the excitement when a big buck walks into my line of sight.

Q: Have you grown up or lived in Okarche your whole life? What is your favorite part about growing up in a small town and going to school at Okarche?

A: I have lived my whole life in Okarche so far, and I don’t think there could be a better place. I have grown up with the same friends, close to family and in the best schools. The administration, teachers and coaches at our schools are great. They all work extremely hard always pushing to make us better. The community is so supportive, always going and being there for us in everything that we do. We also have the best group of parents. They are always there providing us with so much and supporting us above and beyond. I am very appreciative of this small town.

Q: What is your favorite subject in school and why?

A: I would probably have to say my favorite subject in school would be the technology classes. I’ve always liked using my hands to build and put stuff together and these classes have allowed me to do that. This is actually my first year on the robotics team and I am really enjoying it.

Q: Who would you say is your hero? It could be a family member, athlete, etc. and why?

A: I have a few heroes, the first one being my ‘Papa’ Dale Rother. He has been a huge influence in my life. I’ve spent most of my summers working with him on the farm. He has taught me to always work hard, you don’t quit until the job’s done and you always do your best work no matter how small the job. My other heroes would have to be my parents since they’ve been there with me through two knee surgeries and I know that wasn’t easy. They pushed me during physical therapy and have done whatever they needed to do to get me back on the court. They also push me in school and expect only the best out of me.

Q: What are your plans after high school? Have you chosen what you want to study or if you want to attend college and where? Why?

A: My plans are to go into law enforcement after high school and preferably become a K-9 officer. I will most likely be attending OSU-OKC. I want to make a positive impact on my community, be able to have a hand in saving lives and have a rewarding career.