Schwarz learned life lessons during four years at Okarche

Dalton Schwarz (Sr.) helped lead the Warriors baseball team to 23 wins during the fall and spring seasons this year. (Photo by Trey Hunter)

By Trey Hunter
Sports Editor

Dalton Schwarz finished off his high school baseball career this spring, helping guide the Warriors to the district tournament while manning center field.

The senior helped lead Okarche to 23 wins during the fall and spring seasons this year and will be taking his talents to Rose State College in Midwest City to continue his baseball and academic careers.

Schwarz enjoyed his four years playing for coaches Rob Friesen and Mark Framel. Schwarz is ready for the next chapter in his life both on the field and off and provided some insight to his future in an interview with sports editor Trey Hunter.

Here is what he had to say:

Q: What is your favorite hobby outside of baseball and why?

A: Hunting and fishing. I’ve done it my whole life. My dad taught me how and the first day he took me out in love with it. I like to hunt whatever is in season whether its deer or water fowl or whatever.

Q: Have you grown up or lived in Okarche your whole life? What is your favorite part about growing up in a small town and going to school at Okarche?

A: I’ve grown up here and gone to school here my whole life. I like the small town feel and how every body watches out for each other. Every one seems to have each other’s backs here in Okarche.

Dalton Schwarz (Sr.) signed his letter of intent this fall to play baseball at Rose State College. (Photo provided)

Q: What is your favorite subject in school and why?

A: I would say history or government. I like the teachers and they always found a way to make it interesting and help me get into it. I liked learning about the history of our country and wars and those sort of things.

Q: Who would you say is your hero? It could be a family member, athlete, etc. and why?

A: My hero is my grandpa, David Rother. I’ve always looked up to him. He’s a hard worker, working on a farm. I would always ride around with him and work the cattle. He is a big inspiration in my life.

Q: Have you chosen what you want to study in college? Why?

A: I’m planning on majoring in police science. If I were going to be a police officer, I’d like to be in SWAT. I feel like I can shoot and it would be cool to go into building and stuff with a team behind your back.

Q: What is your favorite moment playing for the baseball team in your career and why?

A: Beating Binger-Oney my sophomore year when my brother Garrett was playing. We’d always stick with them and then that game we got over the hump with a come-from-behind win. It was great.

Q: What has been your biggest takeaway or lesson that you’ve learned while playing baseball and why?

A: It’s taught me a lot of things. Responsibility and to work hard and put everything into what I have and what I’m doing. That’s the main thing I took away the last four years.