Man jailed in meth trafficking case

Tracy Lyons

By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

Okarche police officers have had a busy four weeks investigating alleged crimes that put several people behind bars.

Tracy James Lyons, 54, was stopped by an officer around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3 for driving 65 miles per hour in a 45-mph zone near Colorado Avenue and State Highway 81.

From the beginning of the stop, officer Jordan Reed noticed that Lyons and his passenger appeared to be “extremely nervous,” the report states.

“Lyons was fidgeting, stuttering, was tripping over his words and was short with his answers,” the report reads. “The passenger of the vehicle was also very nervous. His hands were crossed in his lap and would only look straight forward until I asked him a direct question. He turned to speak to me but spoke very softly to the point where I had to ask him multiple times to repeat himself.”

Reed noticed the car smelled of marijuana, but Lyons claimed he had a medical card for its use. He admitted that he had a small amount in a cigarette box and in his right front pocket. Lyons also had another baggie of what appeared to be meth in his left front pocket, a police report shows.

Lyons was arrested and transported to the Canadian County Jail on a complaint for trafficking meth in the amount of 200 grams or more and speeding. Lyons has a criminal record for transporting a controlled dangerous substance in 1992 and other drug related offenses between 1992 and 1994 in California.

The passenger, Villa Quintana, told police he did not know anything about the drugs, the report reads. Quintana was released.


Reed again spotted a speeder near SH-81 and Stroh Avenue around 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2.

The driver was stopped for traveling at 62-mph in a 45-mph zone where Miquel Banda-Garcia, 50, informed Reed he did not have a driver’s license. He gave Reed a Mexican ID. The passenger, Delia Lopez-Dongu, 51, also did not have a driver’s license.

Reed allowed the two to call for ride and the officer impounded the car.

A third speeding incident led to an arrest on June 3 around 8:30 p.m. at SH-81 and Oklahoma.

Reed stopped Jordan Flaming, 36, at the Phillips 66 gas station. Flaming told Reed he did not have his wallet on him because he must “have left it at the casino,” the report reads.
Reed discovered Flaming’s license was suspended and he had 11 warrants out of Kingfisher County. Reed arrested him and turned him over to a Kingfisher County Sheriff Deputy where he was taken to jail.


A domestic dispute led to an arrest following a chase that began at the Warrior Express, 118 N. Main Street, around 10:15 a.m. on June 23.

Officer Holguin Cruz was called to the gas station after a complaint between a man and a woman with a child near the restroom.

“I noticed the female was shaken up and was extremely upset,” Cruz’s report reads.
The man, later identified as Oscar Alejandra Portillo, 41, ran outside and fled in a grey truck traveling north on SH-81. Cruz followed him and stopped him “after a few miles” where the driver told the officer he ran because he is in the U.S. illegally. He also did not have a driver’s license.

Portillo was arrested and taken to the Kingfisher County Jail where he was booked on complaints for no driver’s license, failure to wear a seat belt, attempting to elude an officer, expired tag and speeding.


Two suspects accused of speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol were arrested after both seemed to have no idea where they were.

Officer Kyle Bridges stopped Brandon Joseph Lopez, 39, for traveling 50 mph in a 35 mph at SH 81 and Okarche Avenue on June 6 just before 2 a.m.

Lopez told the officer he lived in Warr Acres and that he had been coming from Council Road in Oklahoma City.

“I asked if he still lived in Warr Acres and he told me that he did,” the officer’s report states. “I asked him if he knew where he was, and he told me, ‘yes near Warr Acres.’”

Lopez fell out of his car and had to steady himself on the patrol car. He claimed to have had two shots and a beer more than three hours earlier but failed the field sobriety test. He was transported to the Kingfisher County Jail on a complaint for speeding and aggravated DUI.

In addition, police responded to a report of an intoxicated woman in a residential driveway around 5:40 p.m. on June 7 in the 400 block of W. Main Street.

Kayla McCuan, 23, of Oklahoma City, could not tell Chief Forrest Smith where she was or even what her name was.

“I inquired of her name and if she needed any medical attention,” Smith’s report reads.

“The female attempted to explain her situation but her ability to speak clearly and develop sentence structures were inherently impaired.”

Smith discovered her information from the car she had been driving. He searched her car but could not find a cell phone but he did find a half empty bottle of wine. Smith noted she had cut marks on her right leg which appeared to be self-inflicted.

McCuan was arrested and taken to the Kingfisher County Jail on a complaint for public intoxication.