SWOSU goes virtual for remainder of spring semester

Students can learn more about plan online

Randy Beutler, President Southwestern Oklahoma State University.

Southwest Oklahoma State University will go to virtual classrooms for the rest of the spring semester.

Online courses will be offered only due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

SWOSU President Randy Beutler reported Saturday the following in a news release:

“As we monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation, we continue to review general guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as we consider appropriate measures to minimize the risks to our students and employees while maintaining our core services.”

Southwestern Oklahoma State University is moving to FULLY VIRTUAL COURSE DELIVERY FOR THE REMAINDER OF SPRING SEMESTER 2020This decision was made to further our efforts to reduce the number of individuals on campus.  Please remember that:

  1. Current online courses will resume on March 23 as originally scheduled;
  2. Courses previously offered using face-to-face and hybrid delivery will be transitioned to a virtual learning format; and
  3. Students who have questions about learning in a virtual environment or about courses are encouraged to 1) check the course Canvas pages; 2) stay in contact with your professor through Canvas messaging or email; and 3) visit the student learning support and frequently-asked question links.Due to the rapidly-changing public health challenges posed by COVID-19 and the guidelines/directives provided by health and government officials, SWOSU will implement the following changes to operations to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by restricting the number of people on campus.  Please check your University email on a regular basis for updates on these changes.


    There will be limited access to most buildings on campus.  Please call the appropriate office that you need to get in contact with instead of a personal visit.  While some personnel will be on campus and in their offices, in many instances they may restrict physical entrance to that office.  All offices will have signs posted on their doors with contact information.


    We encourage all students who live in residential housing to vacate campus at this time.  We believe that this is necessary to protect the health of our campus community. We understand some students have no housing alternative and we are committed to assisting them. Please contact your Housing Coordinator for more information and to schedule a moving time if needed.


    Food service will be available at the Grill in the Student Union, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.  These will be “grab-and-go” style meals.  The convenience store in Mann Hall will be open Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.


    SWOSU will implement a Temporary Telework Plan. This plan will be in effect only as long as necessary to respond to the challenges caused by COVID-19.  The University will continue to monitor the situation, and by no later than April 3, make a determination about the continuation of teleworking.

    Teleworking cannot be applied to certain necessary operations of the University, nor is it ideal for many other job functions.  However, directors, in consultation with their respective Vice President or other member of the Executive Council, will make arrangements so that those employees who can perform their work at home can do so as long as such action does not compromise the operations of the institution.

    For those employees who have job functions that cannot be performed at home, supervisors will develop individualized plans that adhere to the following guidelines:

      1. Create flexible and rotating work schedules designed to minimize direct inter-employee contact;
      2. Practice social distancing in the workspace by maintaining a 6-foot inter-workstation spacing where possible; and
      3. Minimize multi-person meetings and transition all possible meetings to phone or virtual formats.

Supervisors should contact you by March 25 to develop your individual work plan, assess your needs, and arrange for the additional training and equipment as needed. Student workers should contact their supervisor.

Please note that in general, individuals are expected to work normal hours, regardless of location.

Faculty members are encouraged to discuss with their department chairs and deans the best methods of teaching, advising, researching, and performing other duties, whether on campus or remotely. CETL has several resources for virtual learning practices.


Effective immediately, SWOSU is temporarily restricting access of the general public to buildings on the main campus in Weatherford and the Sayre campus.  Please note that other services typically provided to the public will still be available through electronic communication. All events on campus, either University-related or held by external groups, are suspended.


Graduation ceremonies that were scheduled to take place in May will be postponed. This decision was based on the recommendations of the CDC to cancel/postpone large group events. We are discussing possible modifications and options that will allow us to honor our graduates and celebrate their achievements at a late date.


Travel for all University-related business or academic purposes is suspended unless such travel is deemed absolutely critical to the University and pre-approved by the pertinent Vice President or other Executive Officer and the President.

While I realize that the actions listed above will cause some inconvenience, they are needed to help protect the safety and wellness of our campus community and are consistent with the guidelines/directives of state and federal officials.  I strongly encourage all of you to do your part in reducing the spread of COVID-19.  If you are sick, do not report to work but contact your supervisor as soon as possible