Friesen says Okarche Schools prepping for online learning

Schools out for the rest of the spring semester

Rob Friesen, Superintendent

By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer

Okarche Schools Superintendent Rob Friesen says while all classes and activities are canceled for the year, a plan is being made for distance-learning.

Freisen said the process is scheduled to begin on April 6th with remote or alternative
learning opportunities for all students.

“We are not yet sure what this process will look like, but be assured we are working to ensure the best quality of education for your child,” Friesen said. “We are trying to make sure we do it right, so the kids can benefit from it. We
are prepping for that, but waiting for the decision.”

There are meals in the “Grab and Go” program for students who qualify for free and reduced cost.

“We’ve made contact with all families with students who qualify, so they know what to do. This service is not for all students in our district.,” Friesen said.

Friesen said that students’ homeroom teachers have already made contact with each
family, via email, phone call, or class-messaging app, asking about their ability to connect with the internet and what access they have to technology or needs they may have.

Friesen asks that each family respond to homeroom teachers as soon as possible, so the district can determine how best to serve the needs of all students.

Okarche Schools enrollment is 387 students in grades pre-K through 12.