Okarche sales tax holds steady in June


By Robert Medley
Managing Editor

Despite the dip in sales tax revenue in May due to the pandemic, Okarche saw a slight rebound in June.

The sales tax revenue for July is expected soon, said town Treasurer Brian Schieber.

A dip in sales tax receipts were noticed in May but revenues rebounded slightly in June.

“Overall it is pretty stable. We did have a month it dipped down but that was to be expected. But overall, we are holding in there pretty well,” Schieber said.

With businesses reopened, the June sales tax check was $69,421. That compared to a total of $72,770 for the same period in 2019.

Okarche town limits are in both Canadian and Kingfisher counties.

In June, the total includes $44,478 in sales tax coming in from Canadian County and $24,943 from Kingfisher County.


The pandemic affected businesses in March and April.

The May sales tax report was $46,610 with a dip to $16,003 in Canadian County and $30,607 from Kingfisher County.

The May check in 2019 for Okarche was $68,717 with $35,663 from Canadian County sales tax and $33,054 from Kingfisher County sales tax.

Use tax for Okarche was up in June with a total $19,252 compared to $15,847 in 2019.

In June, Canadian County use tax was $1,296 compared to $1,434 in 2019.

In June in Kingfisher County, use tax was $17,956 compared to $14,413 in 2019.

In May, total Okarche use tax was $10,801, down compared to $17,713 for May, 2019.