Quail Forever to host first banquet event July 16 in Mustang

Canadian County event set for Thursday, July 16 at Mustang Town Center

Pictured are Tristan Ross and his mother Alecia Ross who are hunting on Dave Lindsay’s land near Minco/Pocasset. (Photo by Todd Burcham)

From Staff Reports

MUSTANG – J.D. Strong, Director of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, will be the speaker at first Canadian Valley Chapter of Quail Forever fundraising banquet.
The banquet will be 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 16 at the Mustang Community Center, 1201 N. Mustang Road.

A prime rib roast dinner, live auction, raffles, multiple gun drawings and more is ahead for an evening of entertainment that goes to benefit local efforts for bettering wildlife habitat with a special focus on the beloved pastime of pheasant and quail hunting.

Oklahoma Quail Forever and Pheasants Forever chapters have been forming across Oklahoma to engage conservationists and hunters to help improve declining quail and pheasant populations in Oklahoma throughout the state. The organization gives their local chapters 100% of the decision making as to how their fundraising dollars are spent for local (emphasis on local), state and national projects and initiatives.

The group will keep 100% of funds raised in the local chapter for habitat and youth.

The Canadian County fundraiser is expected to become an annual event, according to a news release.

The Canadian County chapter reaches out to people who care about pheasant and quail habitat that is critical to rebuilding populations.

“This is why Quail Forever and Pheasants Forever is a stand-alone leader for upland wildlife habitat conservation,” The news release states.

Since 2005, 19 Quail Forever chapters in Oklahoma and 1 Pheasants Forever chapter have formed to make an impact to benefit quail and other wildlife in Oklahoma. Collectively, as part of this conservation success story, with more than $360,000 spent plus another $165,000 matching grant dollars for more than $525,000 that has been put towards projects that benefit upland birds and other wildlife in Oklahoma along with R-3 and youth outreach programs in getting more kids outdoors. Local chapters work in conjunction with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association, NRCS, Audubon, Noble Research Institute and many other partners to ensure quail remain at the center of Oklahoma’s rich outdoor heritage.

Participation in all events help make a difference for our upland birds and Oklahoma’s habitat.

Becoming a Quail Forever member and attending the fundraising banquet is for the quail hunter and upland bird conservationist who wants to make a difference for quail and local wildlife because Quail Forever is a national conservation organization that operates under the very unique model of empowering its local chapters with the responsibility of determining how 100% of its locally-raised conservation funds are spent within the state.

Pre-purchase tickets online allows instant scanning to be admitted without standing in line to purchase tickets, and also will be entered into a gun drawing. Membership & dinner tickets are $60 which includes a great dinner, a year’s membership and subscription to the Quail Forever Journal and Quail Forever decal. Spouse and family member meals are $25; and youth dinners for 14 and under are $15. Chapter sponsorships are available for as little as $250 as well as corporate sponsorships, which include membership, dinner tickets along with event recognition, promotional opportunities via website and email depending upon the level of sponsorship. Call Paul Bressman at 405-627-5343 for Sponsorship information.

Quail Forever is extremely proud of its accomplishments, but the need for continuing conservation work is still just as urgent now to keep the momentum going in making a difference. Become a part of the mission to preserve and restore critical upland wildlife habitat. Keep Oklahoma one of the premier quail hunting states in the nation and attend this year’s event to help Quail Forever in its continued quest to preserve and enhance Oklahoma’s wildlife and habitat.


There will be precautions taken due to COVID-19. Precautions include a a non-invasive temperature check at the door. If anyone has a temperature of 100.4 or above, they will not be allowed into the banquet.

Tables will be spaced further apart than normal. We have booked a large facility so we will have ample space between tables.

Chairs per table will be limited unless you are part of a family or the same group. If you arrive with a group or find friends you are comfortable sitting with, by all means, sit together so you can enjoy each other’s company. If you would rather sit alone or with more space between diners, we will arrange that as well.

Servers will wear masks and gloves while serving. While wearing masks are encouraged by all, it is an option for all guests.

There will be free masks available for you if you forget to bring yours. Please note that several committee members are very vulnerable, and we wish to try and protect them and all vulnerable guests as much as possible.

Those who do not feel well or have any COVID-19 symptoms, are asked to not attend.