Election date set to replace Frisby

Okarche town trustee died in November


From Staff Reports

An election date has been set to fill an unexpired Okarche town trustee seat left vacant due to the sudden death of Trustee Joe Frisby from COVID-19.

Frisby, 58, died Monday, Nov. 30. An election to fill his seat will be April 6.

Frisby had posted on social media on Nov. 11 that he had COVID-19.

Town Trustee Matt Blackwood and Mayor Jeff Sadler sat in a regular meeting Dec. 14. A chair remained empty between them Monday night.

A resolution calling for the election was approved by Blackwood and Sadler, and Sadler read the proclamation.

“A resolution of the Town Board of Trustees of the Town of Okarche, Oklahoma, notifying the Secretary of the Canadian County Election Board that there will be a nonpartisan general municipal election for the election of certain elected officials on Tuesday, April 6, 2021.”

Mayor Sadler’s seat will also be up for election as his four-year term is up this year.

The filing period for candidates will be in the first week of February at the Canadian County Courthouse in El Reno. The filing period begins at 8 a.m. Monday, Feb. 1 and ends 5 p.m.


Wednesday, Feb. 3. The Okarche Town Trustee seat is a four-year term.

Frisby was elected in spring, 2019.

Sadler said Frisby’s passing has been devastating for the community.

“Our prayers go out to Joe’s family,” Sadler said.

Frisby had served as a town trustee and was vice president at Samco Enterprises. He studied meteorology at the University of Oklahoma and business at The University of Texas.

Frisby went to Moore High School and Rockwall High School in Texas.

Frisby had posted on social media on Nov. 11 that he had COVID-19.

“I want to thank everyone that has taken time to wish me HBD. But I get to share my BD with COVID 19 that has knocked me for a loop. This is serious stuff, mask up and keep the antibacterial handy! And a special thanks to my doting wife from the next room for the next 2 weeks,” Frisby posted on Facebook Nov. 11.

Businesses are allowed to require masks in Okarche but the town does not have a mask mandate.