Okarche girls, boys basketball games canceled

Girls team quarantined

Okarche’s Logan Kroener drives in for a layup as the Warriors defeat Fairview Friday night, Dec. 4. (Photo by Travis Barnard/Fairview Republic)

From Staff Reports

The Okarche Lady Warriors basketball team has been quarantined, and games have been canceled for boys and girls through Dec. 19.

The games scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 15 through Saturday, Dec. 19 are canceled.

“Our girls’ basketball team is having to quarantine for COVID-19 contact tracing,” according to a post on the Okarche Schools social media page.

The plan for Tuesday night, Dec. 15 had called for a homecoming ceremony and a senior night event in games against Oklahoma Bible Academy.

“We will try to make up the games, homecoming and senior night sometime in January or February,” the district post reports.

The teams did play two games apiece in a tournament..

The girls team defeated Crescent 68-21 in the The Nextera Energy Resources Invitational Tournament at Garber Thursday, Dec. 10.


The girls then lost to Cashion in the Garber Tournament on Dec. 11 by a score of 54-47.

Both boys’ and girls’ teams are 3-2.

In the win against Crescent, The Lady Warriors were led by Emma Stover, 17 points, Madison Owens, 15 points, Jadyn Rother, 8 points, Jalie Rother, 8 points, Sophie Vandendriessche, 6 points, Karsyn Vallerand, 4 points and Reyn Wittrock, 3 points.

In the loss to Cashion, Tyson Endres had 13 points, Emma Stover, nine points, Karsyn Vallerand, seven points, Jadyn Rother, Ryen Wittrock, and Madison Owens each had six points.

The boys won their opening round game against the Ripley Warriors Dec. 10, 42-37.

Evan Endres had 12 points, Logan Kroener had eight points, Brayden Stover, 11 points, P.K. Harris, six points, Wyatt Pinkerton, three points, and Caden Schieber, two points.

The boys lost to Garber 68-40 on Dec. 11. The boys played Cashion in the Nextera Energy Resources Invitational Tournament on Dec. 12 and lost 68-43. Garber was ranked #2 in Class A and Cashion was ranked #2 in Class 2A.

Against Cashion, Joseph Schaefer had 19 points to lead the team. Logan Kroener had a team high 21 points in the loss to Garber.

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