Traffic on the move

Oklahoma Avenue makeover improves lanes, sidewalks

A worker uses a bucket to clear water from a trench during work to finish up Oklahoma Avenue in Okarche after recent snowfall. (Photo by Robert Medley)

From Staff Reports

Traffic along the newly constructed Oklahoma Avenue was flowing in both east and west directions the first week of January with both lanes opened.

The federally-funded, $1,882,692 project including the makeover of Oklahoma Avenue is nearly complete.

New traffic signal lights and street signs have been installed. The street lights and traffic signal poles are made in a territorial-era style.

Crossing the intersection at U.S. 81 and Oklahoma Avenue, on the west end of the project, will be safer for pedestrians with new push-button equipment and signalization for crossing.


The avenue makeover was compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act by providing wheelchair ramps, a project spokesman said.

There remains some concrete work at the intersection of U.S. 81 and Oklahoma Avenue with the ramps and sidewalks at the intersection corners.

The work that started in May has taken about eight months to complete, an Oklahoma Department of Transportation spokesman said.

The project is 80% federally funded and 20% locally.

The project has improved the street from U.S. 81 east to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks.