Problem Solvers

Cub Scout Den 399 gathering Valentine’s Day cards to give away

Caleb and Nolan Branham and William Scudder, members of Cub Scout Den 399, make Valentine’s Day cards that the den members will give away to others. (Photo by Carol Mowdy Bond)

By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer

Cub Scout Den 399 doesn’t have a place to meet due to COVID-19. But the den members aren’t letting that hold them back. They’re currently making Valentine’s Day cards, and accepting them from the community with a deadline of February 7. They’re planning to give the cards to as many elderly care and residential facilities and others as possible.

The den’s committee chair, Mrs. Tandi Rowe said, “We’re a small den with only ten boys now. Most of our boys attend Mustang schools. But some attend Yukon and also Putnam City schools. COVID-19 has been super hard on us. We were meeting in a church that has a lot of seniors in the congregation. So, they didn’t feel it was safe for us to meet there any longer. Some dens are meeting virtually. But we’re looking for a place to actually meet.

We’re just trying to keep afloat and stay active.”

The den’s latest project involves Valentine’s Day cards.

So far, plans are in the works for the den to provide cards for residents in seven nursing homes, assisted living homes, and residences for the elderly, including Surrey Hills Estates Senior Living Community apartment complex. Cards will also go to the Center of Family Love, for the intellectually and physically disabled, in Okarche.

“I haven’t contacted all the area senior living residences yet,” Rowe said. “But at the moment, we need 675 Valentine’s Day cards to give away. We prefer homemade cards. But even a box of the little cards, purchased at the store, is fine. We’re collecting as many as possible. But we’re not collecting candy or food due to COVID-19.”


Rowe said, “A 1st grade class at Surrey Hills Elementary is making cards for the project. And the Yukon Public Schools after school program is also making cards. The workplace of one of our boys’ parents is providing a large number of cards. There are also members of the community who are making cards.”

For those wanting to make cards who may not have the materials to do so, Rowe assembled packs of construction paper, markers, glue sticks, and other, to give to people.

“We’ve had donations of glue sticks and things like that,” said Rowe. “That has really helped.”

On February 1, the den will sit down together and make cards. Meanwhile, all the boys are making cards at home.

Rowe acknowledged that due to COVID-19, they cannot enter any of the facilities where they plan to deliver the cards. So, on February 7, Rowe and the boys will deliver the cards to the front doors of all the facilities, for the staff to distribute to those in residence.

The deadline to deliver cards to Tandi Rowe is February 7.

To make or purchase cards for the den’s project, or pick up a packet of materials for making cards, or deliver cards to the den, or get other information, contact Rowe by calling (405) 830-0696 or emailing