Candidates file for Okarche Town Trustee seats, treasurer

Mayor is unopposed

Brooke Thornton Southard

Four candidates have filed to replace the late Okarche Town Trustee Joe Frisby, and the filing period for those who want to serve on the Okarche Town Trustee Board closed this week at the Canadian County Election Board.

Mayor Jeff Sadler has also declared his candidacy for the Ward II seat in town.

Okarche Warrior, Okarche Police Department, Charles Snyder, Forrest Smith
Okarche Mayor Jeff Sadler has filed to run unopposed for the town trustee seat.

Sadler, 510 N. First Street, Okarche, filed for the seat Wednesday morning.

The Ward III seat is for a two-year unexpired term that has been vacant after the death in November of Town Trustee Joe Frisby. Frisby died of COVID-19.

Filing for the Ward III seat were Brooke Thornton Southard, Hunter Lane, Okarche, and Robert Ford, Hoehner Ave. John P. Endres, Memorial Drive, Jeff Brueggen, Hoerner Place.

Filing for town treasurer was incumbent Brian Schieber.

The election date is Tuesday, April 6.

Frisby, 58, died Monday, Nov. 30.

Joel Hamby Frisby III

Frisby had served as a town trustee and was vice president at Samco Enterprises. He studied meteorology at the University of Oklahoma and business at The University of Texas. Frisby went to Moore High School and Rockwall High School in Texas.

Frisby was a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Lion’s Club. He was also a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Okarche.


He is survived by loving wife, Kimberly Frisby and kids, Kylie and Hunter Frisby. He is also survived by his parents, Joel and Nancy Frisby, brother, Tim and wife Nicola and nephews Ian and Finn and several loving cousins and family.

The filing period ended at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

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