Okarche Public Schools will be virtual Wednesday

Wintry weather cancels in-person learning

Wintry weather sends Okarche Schools into virtual learning plan

A blast of wintry weather coupled with icy roads resulted in classes being called off for Okarche Schools.

Wednesday will be a virtual day.

“Okarche Public Schools will be closed Wednesday, Feb. 10 and will have a virtual learning day,” Superintendent Josh Sumrall said.

“Our side streets and parking lots are still solid ice, and the forecast calls for 100% chance of more ice coming tomorrow morning. We will try to get salt out on our parking lots to see if it will help the following days,” Sumrall said.

Students had virtual learning assignments Tuesday after the in-person learning schedule was interrupted, not by the pandemic, but weather.

Sumrall reported Okarche Public Schools were closed, Tuesday, February 9th due to side streets, parking lots and sidewalks that were slick, and there was little hope for improvement with temperatures in the teens and 20s.

School was canceled Monday without virtual assignments. Tuesday was a virtual learning day, so students will not have to make up the day in the future. “Please do not panic about the “virtual learning” title. Some teachers will not be able to teach live virtually from home and some students may not have an electronic device or internet capability at home,” Sumrall stated on social media.

“Your child’s teacher will communicate with you or your child, individually, on how their virtual classroom will proceed. Some teachers may just send an assignment to complete at home during the day and some may do something different,’ Sumrall said.

Th elementary and junior high/high school had different virtual requirements.

“We want to make the process as simple as possible. Once you hear from your child’s teacher and know their virtual plans, then contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or needs,” Sumrall said.

Sumrall said he would announce a decision about in-person learning in classes by 6 p.m. each day so students and staff can prepare for the next day’s plan.

“Unfortunately, the weather forecast does not look to let up for the next several days,” Sumrall reported.

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