After 11 years without increasing the water rates, Okarche Town Trustees decided Monday night the time had come to raise them.
Citing the need to generate enough revenue to cover the costs of the water system, and the need to build a plant to treat water, trustees increased the minimum monthly water bill to $30 a month from what had been a minimum of $21.34 a month for residents.
The increase should generate about $50,000 a year, said Mayor Jeff Sadler.
More than $100,000 a year has been used from reserves to cover costs to operate the water system in the past two years. A recent audit showed the increase was needed, Sadler said.
“I don’t think any of us realized before this was brought up by the auditor at the last meeting how long it had been since we had an increase, and we looked back on it and it had been 11 years,” Mayor Jeff Sadler said. “And that is part of the issue.”
Trash service increases have been made in recent years, but water bills have not been increased, Sadler said.
“We haven’t had a rate increase on the water or the sewer in 11 years and we have been told we have to start covering our costs in that area if we want to be able to and that is what we are going to do,” Sadler said.
Sadler said the $21.64 minimum monthly bill for water service in Okarche is low compared to surrounding cities..
“That is way lower than anyone else and it can still be lower than anyone else,” Sadler said.
The town needs to build a nitrate plant to treat water, Sadler said.
He said there are possible rate increases in the future by adjusting usage rates.
Sadler said more frequent rate increases more often would prevent such a large increase need.
The deposits for water use were also increased . Cost for installing rural and in town water meters was increased.
The new rates will take effect on the April bills.