Center of Family Love vegetable business blooms

Enterprise underway

Standing in Kristy Lyn's Flowers & Gifts at Center of Family Love, 635 W. Texas Avenue in Okarche, are left to right, Vice President of Philanthropy Nellie Sanders, resident and gift shop employee Shelley M., and President and CEO Debbie Espinosa. (Photo by Carol Mowdy Bond)



By Carol Mowdy Bond

Contributing Writer

There’s a whole lot growing at Center of Family Love, CFL. Besides a floral business, a gift shop, and two green houses, a new hoop house has recently been added, as well as a new business enterprise.

A residential facility for intellectually and physically challenged adults, CFL is located at 635 W. Texas Avenue in Okarche. Horticulturist Keith Scott is at the helm of a brand new CFL enterprise. It’s the culinary green house, where he’s growing plants to sell to restaurants. He has micro greens, herbs, and tomatoes already popping up out of the soil. And the first restaurant customer is on the books, and it’s no less than Ludivine in Oklahoma City, one of the top 100 restaurants in the U.S.

Vice President of Programs Marsha Smith works with tomato plants in the kitchen-garden hoop house at Center of Family Love, 635 W. Texas Avenue in Okarche. (Photo by Carol Mowdy Bond)

The new hoop house, added about two years ago, is a separate, kitchen-garden greenhouse. The hoop house extends the growing season for the vegetables grown inside, producing nutritious, fresh food for CFL residents’ meals.

Vice President of Programs Marsha Smith said, “In the hoop house right now, we’re growing okra, yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, tarragon, basil, six kinds of mint, and rosemary.”

“Separate from the hoop house, we have two green houses that are about 16,000 square feet total. We grow flowers, vegetables, and house plants for the public. We have a good, established market of people who buy, but we could use more customers. Right now we are getting ready to sell mums and pansies. They’ll be ready to sell in September. From September to October our mums will bloom in different colors. The funds go to pay our residents who are employed here, and the remaining funds go to CFL,” Smith said.

Kristy Lyn’s Flowers & Gifts, also located on the CFL campus, is a full service floral and gift shop, and is a Teleflora florist that delivers globally. The gift shop side of the business is a boutique offering women’s clothing, gifts, accessories, jewelry, home decor, crosses, rosaries, and more. CFL residents are employed in the shop and receive paychecks.

President and CEO Debbie Espinosa said, “We’ve had the two green houses for about 25 years, and the gift shop for over 20 years. This is only the second year for our hoop house. People buy from our two green houses. Our residents are employees in the green houses, and they receive paychecks.”


Vice President of Philanthropy Nellie Sanders said, “The Noble Foundation provided funds to get the green houses going. Our goal is that all our businesses are self sustaining. The hoop house is part of our food budget for the residents. I have to raise $2 million annually for CFL. That money comes through donors, events, and the Knights of Columbus. Our residents are not necessarily charged for living here.”

“We have 130 residents, ages 18 and up. They live here until the end of life. We are one of the largest employers in Canadian County. Our last in-person event was in 2019 before the pandemic, and we raised over $1 million. At our 8th annual ‘Gift of Love Gala’ on June 19, 2021, a virtual gala event, we raised over $850,000.” Espinosa said.

CFL is answering God’s call with five values: teamwork, respect, integrity, compassion, and kindness. The mission is to provide quality lifetime care to individuals with developmental disabilities. And the goals include: commitment to God’s calling, providing jobs for CFL residents to enjoy independence and earn an income, enabling residents to give back to society, and helping CFL residents realize their values, talents, and God’s purpose for them in the world. The Knights of Columbus and the United Way are both supporters of CFL.

Resident and green house employee Linda B. waters young mums in a green house at Center of Family Love, 635 W. Texas Avenue in Okarche. (Photo by Carol Mowdy Bond)

To connect with CFL including to volunteer, call (405) 263-4658, or email, or go to the website, or go to the Facebook page. To make a donation, call (405) 263-7100.

To order flowers and plants from Kristy Lyn’s Flowers & Gifts, call (405) 263-4465, or go to the Facebook page, or go online to The abundantly stocked gift shop is open during its regular hours of operation.
