Getting dunked for fun and funds

Okarchefest draws hundreds

Kendra Taylor, Okarche sixth grade teaching assistant, is dunked Saturday at OkarcheFest. (Photo by Robert Medley)

A crowd of about 400 people heard a new country singer make his debut, saw teachers and town officials dunked into water and rode horses for free at the Okarchefest fundraiser Saturday on Oklahoma Avenue.

Chisholm Ward, 13, debuted his musical talents, and he may have a promising career ahead, his uncle Terry Ward said.

Singer Chisholm Ward, 13, with Sawyer Ward, 10, on drums, debut at Okarchefest Saturday, Sept. 11. (Photo by Robert Medley)

At the dunk tank, high school teacher Robert Ford took a few dips into the tank as softballs hit the target. He wasn’t the only teacher released into to the shallow depths below them.

High school teacher Robert Ford takes a plunge at the Okarchefest dunk tank Saturday, Sept. 11. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Sixth grade teaching assistant Kendra Taylor was getting all wet too. Brady Alig tossed softballs at the dunk tank target until he hit the mark and dropped Taylor into the water.

Kendra Horn took a plunge and helped raise funds at Okarchefest. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Free horseback rides were available from Rick Crider, Okarche Fair Board member, and horses Apache and Renegade.

Harper Black, 7, with mom Shari Black, were found at the face-painting booth.

“It’s good. It’s been nice,” Shari Black said. Harper had a purple butterfly painted around her right eye.

Harper Black, 7, had a butterfly painted around her right eye at Okarchefest. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Chisholm Ward, 13, sings and plays guitar with Sawyer Ward, 10, on drums. They found they could captivate a live audience with country songs.

“He’s a cowboy. This is his first time,” said Terry Ward, pastor of the Deer Creek Tabernacle of Praise Church, also known as the Tepee Church at N.W. 178 and N. MacArthur.

The boys did not have a name for their band yet, as it was their first gig, Ward explained.

Chisholm Ward and his new band, with 10-year-old Sawyer on drums, debuted Saturday at Okarchefest. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Rick Crider, who is on the Okarche Fair Board, gave horseback rides with Apache and Renegade in a small pen. The horseback rides were free.

Rick Crider and Apache gave free horseback rides at Okarchefest Saturday. (Photo by Robert Medley)

OkarcheFest is an annual fundraiser for Okarche Educational Foundation.

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