Father Cory Stanley blesses second-grader Kennedy Maass' puppy Monday, Oct. 4 at Holy Trinity Catholic School Pet Blessing in Okarche. (Photo by Alice Newman)
All things were bright and beautiful Monday, Oct. 4 at Holy Trinity Catholic School, and all creatures great and small were blessed.
Father Cory Stanley blesses Chase Woolley’s frog as sixth-graders Alejandro Alvarez and Leo Okorie watch at the Pet Blessing at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Okarche Monday, Oct. 4. (Photo by Alice Newman)
The Okarche Catholic school pet blessings included cats, frogs, dogs, a snake and more critters.
Father Cory Stanley blessed the pets on a sunny, pleasant October day.
Father Cory Stanley cautiously blesses eighth-grader Ally Baustert’s snake at the Pet Blessing Monday, Oct. 4 in Okarche. (Photo by Alice Newman)
Arron Osborn, sixth grade, brought two cats. Chase Woolley had a frog, and Kennedy Maass a puppy. Ally Baustert brought a snake, and Stella Krittenbrink brought a bird. Baustert and Krittenbrink are in eighth grade.
Eighth-grader Stella Krittenbrink holds her blessed bird at the Holy Trinity Catholic School Pet Blessing Monday, Oct. 4. (Photo by Alice Newman)
School Principal Alice Newman was the official photographer for the pet blessings.
Holy Trinity Catholic School Father Cory Stanley blesses two cats in a carrier held by Arron Osborn, sixth grader at the school in Okarche during the Blessing of the Pets Monday, Oct. 4. (Photo by Principal Alice Newman)Father Cory Stanley blesses eighth-grader Wyatt Schraeder’s cat in a bag, and eighth-grader Stella Krittenbrink’s bird. (Photo by Alice Newman)Holy Trinity Catholic School Principal Alice Newman captures the moment at a pet blessing. (Photo by Alice Newman)
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