Power outages reported in Okarche, school canceled

Okarche Public Schools classes canceled, Holy Trinity Catholic School will start late

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Power outages have been reported in Okarche from overnight storms.

Okarche Public Schools are canceled for Wednesday.

Superintendent Josh Sumrall said he made the decision before the buses left for the morning. Then power came back on at 7:15 a.m.

“I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Fall break starts a day early Please enjoy your fall break!” Sumrall reported.

More than 700 people were without power Wednesday, Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. reported.

Holy Trinity Catholic Schools will not open until 10 a.m. The school had power Wednesday morning.

There is a chance for more storms Thursday and Friday.

OG&E’s website reported 731 outages about 7:45 a.m.

Read The Okarche Warrior and okarchewarrior.com for updates to local news.
