Property tax statements available

Canadian County payments can be made online

Carolyn Leck, Canadian County Treasurer

After a delay mailing annual tax statements this year that has affected county treasurers

statewide, Canadian County property owners can now pay online, said Treasurer Carolyn Leck.

We have updated our website with the 2021 tax amounts. Although we are still in the early stages of printing statements, customers may find their taxes online and may pay through the site or print them off to mail in,” Leck said.

Leck said people should be aware that they will still receive a statement in the mail if they do pay their own taxes.


Keep track of your records and do not try to pay again. You are not being billed twice,” Leck said.

She said the due date is extended through January 28, 2022 due to the fact that the actual mailing will not be made for another week or longer.

Thank you for understanding the current situation was outside of our control,” Leck said.

In November, Leck reported that the 2021 ad valorem property tax statements were delayed this year about three weeks, and tax deadlines had been extended into January.

Due to the implementation of a new chart of accounts released by the State Auditor for

state budgets, the 2021 ad valorem statements will be at least three weeks later than the normal weekend of Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately, this is affecting several counties statewide,” Leck said last month. While

I cannot give a specific date for mailing statements, we will be extending first half or

full amount payments without penalty through January 28, 2022,” Leck said.
