Livestock bonus auction to be held at new fairgrounds

Addison Goodman of Yukon 4-H shows swine at the Canadian County Junior Livestock Show at the fairgrounds in El Reno during last year's annual event. (Photo by Glen Miller/El Reno Tribune)

By Cara Pattison, Contributing Writer

Canadian County will celebrate its 50th Annual County Livestock Show in late February with a bang, and the event is sure to be a night to remember for the county’s past and present 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) alumni and their families.

The Spring Livestock Show will be held at the old Fairgrounds, 220 N. Country Club Rd. in El Reno, Feb. 28 through Mar. 2. However, the Livestock Bonus Auction will be at the new Fairgrounds, 3001 Jensen Rd. E in El Reno, on Friday, Mar. 4.  This is the first year the bonus sale will be hosted in the new facility, and event planners want to make it memorable, Canadian County Fair Board Chairman Kelly Beck said.

“We are excited – this is going to be a big production,” he said. “While animals won’t show in-person at the Friday night bonus sale for the first time, we want to focus on the kids and all the hard work they’ve done.

“Their parents have provided photos as a backdrop as they stand in the ring for bidding by businesses and individuals alike,” Beck said. “We want the kids to be able to say, ‘we got to be a part of the first bonus sale at the new fairgrounds, and it was a big deal.’”

The county’s 4-H and FFA programs, schools, OSU Extension office and fair board are all working together to make it a special night, Canadian County OSU Extension 4-H Youth Programs Educator Todd Branson said.

“Because of the tremendous traditions this county has with regards to livestock and show animals, we all are looking to celebrate the first 50 years and let it catapult us into the next 50 years,” he said. “(It’s) a pinnacle night for a local showman is to make the county bonus livestock sale.”

Canadian County Expo & Event Center has become a sought-after venue for all types of agricultural events since its opening last year. (Photo by Traci Chapman)

At this Friday night event, there will be a livestock supporter dinner followed by a live auction where a donor may bid per pound on a 4-H or FFA show person’s animal. Winning individuals and businesses alike donate money to the top showmen and women of their choice in each animal breed via a live auction in order to help the show person pay for a season’s worth of expenses spent on their animal.

The kids get to keep their animal and the donated funds. Many recipients use the funds to help purchase the next season’s show animal.

In addition, the fair board plans to offer the online bonus site.

“Last year, the online bidding system allowed donors to bonus the kids in total over $20,000 – out-of-town and out-of-state friends and family members, breeders, businesses and organizations were able to donate whatever they’d like specifically to the kid or kids of their choice,” Branson said. “We plan on doing that again this year.”

Before the live auction, livestock supporters attend a traditional meal hosted by the Canadian County Fair Board. This year’s meal will feature some extra programming, Branson said.

“Anyone who is a graduating senior will be recognized, both 4-H and FFA – we will give the 4-Hers their graduation cords and pins, recognizing them as new alumni,” Branson said. “Also, the Fair Board will present some scholarships, and there will be some other surprises, as well.”

In addition to the seniors, Beck said the event will celebrate families past and present by recognizing families that have been a part of the program from 50 years ago until now.

“We want to celebrate the difference that livestock has made for families here, and the night of the bonus sale is the perfect night to honor the people of this county in the new facility,” he said.

While anyone wanting to bid at the live auction will need to attend the event in-person, those wanting to bonus the 4-H or FFA student using the online donation system may visit Auctioneer Ken Carpenter’s website, located at