Tilley named head softball coach at Okarche

Skye Tilley

Emily Loughridge
Contributing Writer

Okarche’s softball program welcomed Skye Tilley onto the field and into their program this summer as the head softball coach for the high school and junior high teams.

During the school day, Tilley will be student teaching under Julie Rother, Okarche’s science teacher, in the fall and hopes to utilize her Natural Science Education degree to become a science teacher herself.

Tilley graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) in April, where she played for four years. She has had a glove on her hand since t-ball years, though. Tilley played at Ripley High School for four years along with summer ball until she entered into her collegiate years. Her final year of college ball was coached under Jessica Boone, who shared Okarche’s job opening with Tilley.

“I finished my last season playing softball in April, so I’m fresh out of the game which means I know how the girls are feeling. The emotions when they miss a groundball that costs us the game, or when they make a play that wins us the game, or has a bad at bat, or is in a hitting slump,” Tilley said. “I think that my experience as a softball player reminds me and helps me guide the girls through those emotions, how to use them, and to learn from those make-or-break moments.”

In the beginning of June, Tilley met with the team and their parents for both junior high and high school teams. She said she came in with high expectations for the team and discussed a set of rules as well as a contract with the team. The signed contract will set the team on track to becoming a well-respected program Tilley believes.

Tilley’s teams have played in a league and summer camp this summer, which has allowed Tilley to observe and learn about the team. Every week she said she saw improvements in the players’ skills and an upholding of the expectations she set, such as supporting each other, respecting equipment, and competing. She stated that she saw a lot of potential in the team and is excited for the fall season.

“I want to build the Okarche softball program to become a well-respected and tradition-rich program. This year my goal for the team is to build that foundation of a great program and to gain some tradition in the softball program,” Tilley said.

The program’s foundation will be built on Tilley’s holistic coaching style. She said she wants to teach the team the basic skills of softball but also the mental side too. Becoming good leaders and teammates, competitive individuals, and growing as young women is something she strives to teach her team. She believes this mindset will help the team in their softball endeavors, other activities, and later in life.

In the first team meeting, Tilley said she encouraged the team to be active in many aspects of the school and community, including FFA, other sports, band, and others. She believes that being involved in one’s community develops well-rounded individuals.

“I expect the girls to be present at other teams’ games when they are able to. A tradition that I want for this program is to make sure that we support Okarche Warriors and give back to the community any chance we get,” Tilley said. “I also plan on supporting local businesses within the community to give back to the people who give so much to the school and the softball program.”

Trust is a key component to any competitive team, and Tilley believes this is crucial when looking at team bonding and chemistry. She emphasized building both player and coach trust as well as player to player trust. She explained that the player and coach trust will come with more time around each other, in both practice and games. The trust built between team members will come from experiences which Tilley has planned. She said knowing one another’s strengths and weaknesses will prepare the team to go into battle during their two short seasons.

“I wanted to start coaching to make sure girls especially, in a smaller town, who wanted to play, compete, learn, and loved the game had someone there to teach them all aspects of the game. I was very blessed to have the coaches that I had throughout my career and I hope to give girls that same experience,” Tilley said.

Tilley is eager to start the fall season for softball and build Okarche’s program. Another point of eagerness for Tilley is building relationships with her team, their parents, the school, and the community. While Tilley will be busy on the softball field in the fall and spring, she will spend her winter months assisting Okarche’s high school basketball programs.