Deutschesfest draws hundreds to Okarche

Money raised for community service projects

The Masopust Polka Band singer and tuba player David Masopust walks away from the stage and near the tables and plays for the crowd at the 49th annual Okarche Lions Deutschesfest Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 at Holy Trinity Catholic School. (Photo By Robert Medley)

The 49th annual Okarche Lions Club German dinner known as Deutschesfest filled the Holy Trinity Catholic School gymnasium Friday night with beer, sausage, plenty of sauerkraut, polka music and the chicken dance.

More than 675 pounds of sausage has been ordered from Fisher’s Meat Market in Muenster, Texas to be served to eat at the dinner or to take home in dinner boxes.

There was food to order and take home from the event.

Shelley Alig of Okarche brought her granddaughter Chloe, who lives in Kingfisher, to the dinner. They did not stay long. They took home their food and talked about the dinner before they ate it.

“It’s always been great. In the years past it’s been great,” Shelly Alig said. She was about to find out how good the 2023 food and fixings were as they left while the food in plastic bags and carryout boxes was still hot.

Inside the gymnasium, Craig Charbonneau, a Lions Club member, stood in the serving line and served slices of bread. It was his third year to work at the event.

“The Lions Club does a lot of civic activities like scholarships and helps out students and helps out the community,” Charbonneau said.

At the stage, as the music by the Masopust Polka Band played, Kim Ahlden joined some Holy Trinity boys for the chicken dance. Blaine Stursa, 7, Garrett Stursa, 5, Hendrix Martin, 6, knew the dance too. They had learned it in pre-kindergarten.

Hendrix Martin, 6, left, Kim Ahlden, and Blaine Stursa, 7, right do the chicken dance Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 at Holy Trinity Catholic School’s gymnasium in Okarche. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Chris Foster, a Lions Club member, said the night was a big success.

“I think it’s going really well. We’re having a good turnout. We’ve got the band. The food is good,” Foster said.

Craig Charbonneau and Chris Foster, members of the Okarche Lions Club, serve meals at the 49th annual Deutschesfest Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 at Holy Trinity Catholic School. (Photo by Robert Medley)

About 500 people ate at the gymnasium and another 350 people took their carry-out orders home.

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