It’s a bull market

Christensen Angus Ranch hosts annual sale

At the annual bull sale at Christensen Angus Ranch east of Okarche Friday, March 8, 2024 are from left to right, Bryan Christensen, Lyndon Christensen, Grant Christensen, Todd Waltman and Darren Waltman. (Photo by Robert Medley)

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

There is one more thing to expect in life other than taxes and death, said Bryan Christensen as he opened up the annual bull sale.

And that other thing is bad weather on sale day.

The crowd waits for the annual bull sale at the Christensen Angus Ranch east of Okarche Friday, March 8, 2024. (Photo by Robert Medley)

He was right for Friday, March 8, 2024 at the Christensen Angus Ranch in Kingfisher County 10 miles east of downtown Okarche.

The steady, and sometimes heavy downpour in southern Kingfisher County was appreciated by area wheat farmers.

There the trucks and trailers pulled up as a heavy downpour opened up on the dirt roads.

Auctioneer Colton Pratz of watches for bids at the Christensen Angus Ranch east of Okarche at the annual bull sale Friday, March 8, 2024. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The rain was loud hitting the top of the tin barn. But luckily there was a barn, and the sale went on.

Angus beef has been in demand, and the auction was handled by LiveAuction.

At the annual bull sale at Christensen Angus Ranch east of Okarche Friday, March 8, 2024 are from left to right, Bryan Christensen, Lyndon Christensen, Grant Christensen. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Joining Bryan Christensen was son Lyndon and Bryan’s brother Grant Christensen, and Darren Waltman and Todd Waltman.

A bull walks the pen at the annual sale at Christensen Angus Ranch east of Okarche Friday, March 8, 2024. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The rain continued to pour outside as the sale got underway. The band of rain was accompanied by a cold, north wind, and anyone who wanted to leave their trailer and come back for cattle was welcomed to do so, Bryan Christensen said.

Read The Okarche Warrior for local news coverage.
