School board incumbent loses race Tuesday night in Okarche

Voters say yes to an Oklahoma Natural Gas franchise agreement

Ryan McIlvain

Okarche School Board president Ryan McIlvain lost to challenger John Pinkerton for the position #4 seat.

The Oklahoma State Election Board reports Pinkerton had 185 votes, 69.81% to McIlvain’s 80 votes ,or 30.19%.

The unofficial results were reported after all six of six precincts reported results, according to the election board website.

Most voters in Okarche decided they want an Oklahoma Natural Gas franchise in town.

The town has not had a franchise agreement with the public utility company. The town has had one with Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co.

Voters approved the agreement Tuesday, April 2 with 128 yes votes, 75.74% and 41 no votes, 24.26%.

The franchise agreement proposed with Oklahoma Natural Gas is for 25 years and will maintain the gas lines through the town. The town would get a tax from natural gas sales that would increase from the current 2% rate to 4% with a franchise agreement.

The agreement will result in a slight increase on bills.

Read The Okarche Warrior for local news coverage.