Okarche hires police chief

Special meeting vote was Tuesday night

Oklahoma City woman killed in crash near Okarche

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

The Okarche Town Trustees called a special meeting Tuesday night and hired a new police chief.

The new chief is Mike Smith. His start date will be Friday, Aug. 23.

Town trustees unanimously voted to hire Smith after having interviewed four candidates for the job last week, said town clerk Dana Reese.

Reese said Wednesday morning that trustees are excited about Smith’s hiring.

Town trustees met Tuesday evening for a posted special session, and then convened into executive session to discuss the four candidates for the open police chief job, according to the town meeting agenda.

Former Okarche Chief Forrest Smith was fired by trustees in April.

The town trustees voted 4-1 April 22 to fire Forrest Smith. Mayor Jeff Sadler voted no, and trustees Jeff Brueggen, Jon Alig and J.D. Mueggenborg and Jason Kroener voted to fire the chief.

Forrest Smith ran for Kingfisher County Sheriff after his firing but lost in the Republican primary.

Okarche currently has four full-time police officers.

Read The Okarche Warrior for updates to local news.
