Sumrall recovers from COVID-19

Masks required in Okarche public schools for one week


From Staff Reports

Superintendent Josh Sumrall tested positive for COVID-19 before Thanksgiving but has made a full recovery and is back in school this week.

But in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, Sumrall announced masks were required Dec. 7 through Dec. 15 when students are not 6 feet apart. Okarche Schools however, will not be mandated permanently. Sumrall is also wearing a mask this week.

“As a way to help some peace of mind and in an effort to help slow the spread of the virus before Christmas Break, we will be implementing a temporary (December 7th-15th) 7-day mask/face covering requirement for students and staff when distancing 6 feet is not possible indoors,” Sumrall reported on social media Thursday, Dec. 3.

Sumrall, 43, tested positive the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 25. He was dehydrated and spent 10 days in isolation.

“I was the only one to test positive in my family,’ Sumrall said.

“There for a few days it was pretty concerning,” Sumrall said.

He said he had a cough, tight chest. He recovered at home. He was able to return Dec. 4.

District staff conducted a survey of parents to determine whether to return to in-person learning, Sumrall said.

The district went to remote learning for the week after Thanksgiving break.


“We still have the policy in place that we recommend masks, but we thought since the Okarche community was hit so hard and the week after Thanksgiving we went virtual,’ Sumrall said.

About 30% of the students at the schools are opting to go virtual.

“I think we need to be in-person to learn and for teachers to teach their lessons. With COVID-19 everyone has their own believes and priorities. I understand we have two sides to everything. There are some who want to be back in-person and others who want to be out,’ Sumrall said. “We took all of that into account.”

Sumrall reported on the survey results from parents interviewed Wednesday.

“The overall feedback expressed a concern and desire to be able to self quarantine for a period of time before gathering with family during Christmas. In an attempt to get back to in-person school and to meet the overall parent and staff suggestion and desire, Okarche Public Schools will resume in-person school from December 7th-15th.

December 16th-18th will be used as virtual days for students to catch-up on any work needing done for the semester. December 14th & 15th will be used for junior high and high school semester tests. This schedule will allow everyone to self quarantine for 9 days before Christmas Day. Hopefully, that will give families enough time to feel safe while going around extended family for Christmas.”

Sumrall reports that if students are 6 feet apart in class, they will be allowed to unmask to be comfortable. The original “recommendation” policy will go back into place for the second semester starting January 4th.

“As we have offered the last several weeks, parents that feel their children would be best served by virtual learning, that is still an option. Please communicate that desire through your child’s teacher and school office.”

The Oklahoma State Health Department has sent out guidelines for in-door extra-curricular activities, Sumrall said.

“We will be continuing to have those events as much as possible, but will be implementing the Health Department guidelines. Those guidelines will be sent out at a later date.”

Currently there are four staff members who have tested positive and are quarantined.

There are two cases of students who have been positive and quarantined.

Masks will be required for people at the entrance but they will be allowed to take them off in the stands.