Okarche Schools virtual Thursday, basketball times changed

Record lows and snowstorm possible Sunday and Monday

A train collided with a vehicle Friday, according to reports.

Okarche Public Schools will be virtual only on Thursday, and a snowstorm with record low temperatures is in the forecast for Sunday and Monday.

The Class A District Basketball Tournament times have been changed for Friday and Saturday. Game times were moved to earlier in the day.

The boys will play Depew at 3 p.m. Friday and the girls will play at 1 p.m. on Saturday. The games will be at the Okarche High School gymnasium.

“The OSSAA HS Basketball District Tournament at Okarche has adjusted game times to help schools and fans so they do not have to travel on slick roads after dark. The new times are 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Friday and Saturday, February 12th & 13th.
Please understand that the playoffs are run by the OSSAA and we are a host for their event. The OSSAA and State protocols being used in our facilities are listed on the attachment. Due to the Regional Tournament scheduled for next week, the OSSAA would like us to get the District Tournament in this weekend, if at all possible, weather permitting.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service reports that temperatures will be near zero degrees Saturday through Monday, with snow moving in Sunday and Monday. Wind chills Sunday could be near minus 25 degrees in central Oklahoma,” according to a statement on the Okarche Facebook page.

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