Slice of life

Surrey Hills gals back in the swing of things

On April 7, Surrey Hills Women’s Golf Association members Linda Elwood, Kay Kubat, and Rhonda Shofner are ready to tee off at the Surrey Hills Golf Club. (Photo by Carol Mowdy Bond)

By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer

The Surrey Hills Women’s Golf Association (SHWGA) is back on par, after a year-long hiatus due to the pandemic.

On April 7, the ladies group met in the Surrey Hills Golf Club’s clubhouse, located at 11340 Surrey Hills Boulevard for the first time in a long time. Normally, they would start their annual season in March, but they were glad to be up and at it again this month.

Club president Rhonda Shofner said the group has existed since the 1960s or 1970s. And currently they have about 25 members, but they are hoping to bring in more. In fact, new members were part of the April 7 meeting.

Shofner said, “We’re trying to get organized again. That’s why we’re having the meeting this morning, before we tee off.”

This year during April and May, the group tees off on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m.


From June through September, they tee off at 8:30 a.m. During October and November, they tee off at 9:30 a.m.

Members of SHWGA only have organized tee off times on Wednesdays. But they also play together at other times on Mondays and Fridays. And once a month they have a couples’ scramble on a Sunday. The Sunday changes each month. The group has a spring and fall tournament. And they have a member/guest day when members may bring a guest at no charge. They also have an annual Christmas party that includes dinner, awards, and prizes.

Annual dues are $35. “You can be a member of SHWGA without being a member of the Surrey Hills Golf Club. And our members don’t all live in Surrey Hills. They’re from a lot of different areas.” Shofner said.

“Come join us. We have a lot of fun,” Shofner said.

To connect with SHWGA, contact the Surrey Hills Golf Club at (405) 373-2770, and they will give you contact information for the ladies’ group.
